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Conscious Seduction for Men

As children, we learned how to modulate our behavior in an effort to get our needs met, often settling on and repeating successful patterns of behavior. For most of us, these patterns from childhood become the unconscious patterns of seduction we employ as adults.

Many men today engage in unconscious seduction because they fear rejection, or have yet to get clear on their wants, needs, and desires. What is your seduction pattern? Are you attracting what and who you desire? Why or why not? What signals are you putting out, conscious or unconscious? Are you operating from a place of grounded integrity or blunted frustration? Most importantly, what new precedent would you like to create for your current or future relationship(s)?

Join Lynn Kreaden and Mikaal Bates as they explore the challenges and opportunities facing men today in search of romantic connection. Together we will clearly define, refine and claim our seduction strategies powerfully, consciously, and in full integrity.

FOR MEN ONLY, this free online workshop offers a taste of Lynn’s co-ed ART OF INTIMACY group program experience — beginning Oct.8th, 2021, and Mikaal’s Men’s Empowerment Coaching, featured at AOI. Lynn and Mikaal are thrilled to be joining forces yet again to help guide and empower humans of all persuasions in their pursuit of intimacy, connection, and lasting partnerships. Join us!

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